Anne van Green Gables
Lucy Maude Montgomery
vertaal deur Jackie Lätti
Toe Lucy Montgomery middae in die laatstrale van die son by haar venster
gesit en skryf het aan haar storie oor die enigmatiese Anne, sou sy nooit as te
nimmer kon droom dat dié verhaal, meer as honderd jaar later, steeds die harte
van mense oor die aardbol heen sou steel nie. Anne of Green Gables is reeds in
meer as 36 tale vertaal. Daar is al vollengte films, radiodramas, televisieflieks en
-reekse, strokiesprente, musiekblyspele en teaterproduksies daarvan geskep …
alles geïnspireer deur Montgomery se wonderskone verhaal oor die eksentrieke
klein weeskind met die rooi hare, flinke brein, vinnige humeur, sagte hart en
verbysterende woordeskat. Sy sou nooit kon voorsien dat Prince Edward Island,
Kanada, waar sy lewe in haar karakters geblaas het, in die geheue van kinders
en (oumas) grootouers / volwassenes van talle tonge en tale sou woon nie. Daar
is trouens jaarliks produksies van Anne of Green Gables in Europa en Japan.
Lucy Montgomery het heelparty opvolgverhale geskryf en meer as 67 jaar ná
haar dood is The Blythes are Quoted gepubliseer. In 2008 is ’n voorspel, Before
Green Gables, deur Budge Wilson geskryf om die 100ste jaar van die boekreeks
te gedenk. Die oorspronklike boek word vandag nog aan studente oor die wêreld
heen voorgeskryf.
When Lucy Montgomery wrote her novel about the enigmatic Anne, she would never have dreamed that this story, more than a
hundred years later, would still steal the hearts of people across the globe. Anne of Green Gables has been translated into more than
36 languages. There have been full-length films, radio dramas, television movies, television series’, comics, musicals and theatrical
productions… all inspired by Montgomery’s beautiful tale about the eccentric little orphan with the red hair, nimble brain, quick
temper, soft heart and astonishing vocabulary. Prince Edward Island, Canada, where she breathed life into her characters, would live in
the memory of children and grandmothers alike. There are, in fact, annual productions of Anne of Green Gables in Europe and Japan.
Lucy Montgomery has written follow-up stories about Anne’s life and more than 67 years after her death, The Blythes are Quoted,
which was written near the end of her life, was published. In 2008, a prelude, Before Green Gables, was written by Budge Wilson to
commemorate the centenary of the book series. The original book is still prescribed to students around the world today.
Jackie Lätti is kleurryk en geheimsinnig; daarom sal mens nooit weet wat sy al alles gedoen het
nie. Iewers in haar lewe was sy by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch waar sy drama gestudeer het.
Sy kan met gemak die persona van ’n Namakwalandse ouma of ’n seuntjie van die Kaapse Vlakte
aanneem. Sy het al radiodramas en teaterstukke geskryf en opgevoer. Meer onlangs het sy die
teks van haar en Riku Lätti se musiekblyspel Pop aan ’n Toutjie geskryf. Sy het The Richest Man In
Babylon deur George Samuel Clason in Afrikaans vertaal. Jackie is ’n veelsydige stemkunstenaar
wat onder andere Jaco Botha se Lulu Lerulu kinder-oudioboek voorlees en talle karakters daarin
vertolk. Sy is die matriarg, stem, vertaler en garderobemeesteres van Die Wasgoedlyn en die stem
agter Churchil Naudé se albums.
Jackie Lätti is colourful and mysterious. She loves her husband and children and cats. She has
ants in her pants when she has to stand in queues and she despises shopping malls. She studied
drama at the University of Stellenbosch. Filmmaker Jans Rautenbach praised her natural ability
to immerse herself into a character. She is the voice behind Churchil Naudé’s albums. She has mastered most Afrikaans
accents and she has acted in numerous cabaret as well as theatre productions. She has written and performed radio dramas
and plays and more recently she wrote the text of her and Riku Lätti’s musical Pop aan ‘n Toutjie. Jackie is a versatile voice
artist. She narrates Jaco Botha’s children’s audiobook Lulu Lerulu and plays many characters in it. She is the matriarch, voice,
translator and wardrobe mistress of Die Wasgoedlyn.
222 mm x 148 mm
+/- 460 bladsye
ISBN: 9781776172238
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